Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Experience Good Boss!

In my last 24 years of service, I worked with many Bosses. I can remember almost all of them and their value add in my career.

I reached current level only with hard work. But I am indebted to the Seniors I worked with. I still cherish the guidance they have given me from time to time. Learnt different strategy, methods, working in a process oriented way and other tips and tricks by working with them directly or indirectly:

The Leaders are - company and designation relate to the period I worked with them:

1. S.S. Bhandari in Jaipur - famous Chartered Accountant
2. P.S. Marwah, Head - Electrical & Instrumentation - Lakshmi Cement
3. S.K. Wali, Head - Mechanical - Lakshmi Cement
4. B. Kant, Head - Civil - Lakshmi Cement
5. M.K. Chaudhari, President - Diamond Cement
6. N.L. Hamirwasia - MD - Mysore Cements
7. N. Lodha - CFO - Mysore Cements Ltd
8. R. C. Sodani - VIce President - Finance - Diamond Cements
9. D.V. Pendharkar - Head - Marketing - Diamond Cements
10. C. V. Soumyan, Head - Sales - Diamond Cements
11. P.K. Das - Vice President - Marketing - Diamond Cements
12. Samar Mishra - Vice President (Operations) - Intelligroup Inc, NJ, US
13. Manjunath Dattatreya - Vice President (Operations), Intelligrup, NJ, US

It is not only me, many others enjoyed working with these Leaders.

My journey from Intelligroup to Polaris Software Lab Limited, Chennai was not a smooth one. I joined LGS Hyderabad and Mastek Mumbai and both did not work out well. I got an offer to join Polaris, Chennai; but my reporting was changed from day one - from COO to Head HR. The first two and half years was the toughest time I gone through in my life. I believe in astrology and my time was also not good. I cannot blame any one. This period was so bad that my performance was under question. I got entangled with multiple issues and was looking for guidance and support.

My life got changed in early 2010 when Mr. Debashish Ganguly joined Polaris as Head of Resource Fulfillment Group. As soon as he was offered by Polaris, I got calls from few sources that I am going to get a good boss. I did not believe it! However, I knew that Debashish has seen big company and bigger picture and he is highly qualified... IIT & IIM. On joining, he decided to work with the same Team and did not change any one - made some structural change - it was a surprise because any new Boss always try to bring in his or her own old colleagues and change structure..... isolate the seniors already in place... and what not. He gained the confidence of all the Team members and given us guidance to achieve the set goal. Some structural changes were made and I was given due respect in the system through my responsibilities were reduced........ I am thankful to him. He gave confidence to the Team that any "HEAT" will be taken care of by him while any "CREDIT" will be to the Team. We had complete support of our COO, Mr. Govind Singhal. You have to be little lucky to work under Govind...... all are not blessed! The Team started performing and we won Chairman Excellence Award and Quality Award. Wow... what an experience........ what a change!!! I feel lucky to head the Recruitment Team.... every one slogged day and night!

Hello people, if you need to work under anyone, look for a Boss like Debashish, who can -

(a) impartial and never encourage coterie
(b) guide and support you whenever you are stuck
(c) take risk, take blame and protect the Team - our job anyway thankless!!
(d) mentor and guide you when you commit a mistake
(e) give you long rope to perform
(f) understand your constraints and show empathy
(g) drive you to reach the ultimate goal - success and satisfaction!

I am enjoying working with Debashish...... I go home contended and this makes my family happy.

This piece is dedicated to my Boss, Mr. Debashish Ganguly.

Job Description - Re-post

When any business requirement comes, it is very necessary that a constructive dialogue happens between the Recruiter and Hiring Manager on the Job Description given.... hence one MUST insist for a detailed JD for every position. Post meeting one should publish Minutes of Meeting to all stake holders. During this meeting one should keep in mind following needs:

1. Understanding the business need - as to why the customer looking for a new addition.

2. Role of the candidate to be recruited - as to what exactly this individual will do in the project

3. Experience level and location

4. Domain expertise needed - including the sub modules

5.Expectation of customer at project site-political dynamics, environment etc.

6. Expectation of the final interviewer on skill level, complexity etc

7. Project status - what stage OR which part of SDLC - Requirement Gathering, Build, Test, UAT, Go Live or Support

8. Project type - application development OR for support - what percentage of enhancement/configuration involved OR is it a Level 1, 2, 3 OR 4 Support project.

9. Tools, Technology, Front end, back end exposure needed.

10. Soft issues - like working in the night, requirement of 24/7 on call support, travelling etc.

I have seen Recruiters just jump to any requirement that is raised by a Hiring Manager and then submit profiles which ultimately get rejected. Utter wastage of productivity. Until and unless we are clear as to what the Business needs; niche and critical requirements can hardly be closed easily.